Friday 25 April 2008

The Secret to Happiness!

I've been looking at ways of living the best kind of life you can since I was at school and I've come to realise this: YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ALL DAY LONG. To increase your levels of happiness you need to marshall your thoughts that influence your actions. I am now going to announce to the world the secret to happiness. Ready?.... It's a simple two step process

1. You need to identify what makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad.
2. You then do more of the things that make you feel good and less of the things that make you feel bad.

There you have it. It's brilliant and it works!

Like a lot of the best things in life, it's simple. But simple doesn't mean easy.

I've learned that the more disciplined you become the happier you become.

You will also become more creative as part of the process. And communicative. And friendly. Oh, and you'll make more money if you want it. You will begin to attract the people and things into your life that you really desire and the best thing is this: IT WORKS TO THE DEGREE THAT YOU DO IT.

It's like exercising at the gym. If you identify your goals and stick to your regime, you WILL get results. You just have to stick to it. More to come!